
As Seen In

Composer Reels (By Mood and Genre)

Classical Guitar and Folk Music

Metanoia’s Theme (Guitar and Accordian)
Fairies and Folklore: Main Theme (Guitar and Violin)
Feast Music (Guitar, Violin, and Bodhran)

Spooky and Sci Fi

Babushka’s Tale (Glockenspiel, Strings, Bowed Vibraphone)
Space: Beauty and Fear (Orchestra)
Finding The Phone (Electric Guitars, Synths, Cello, Oboe, Clarinet)


Polina’s Tears (Orchestra)
Where Did The Day Go? (Orchestra, Synths)
Space: Beauty and Fear (Orchestra)


In Media:

Fairies and Folklore: Season 1
The Scott Rasmussen Show: Main Theme Full Length: (Rock ‘n Roll, Strings)
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